Friday, August 8, 2008

Amazing Kosovo - Reflections from Tamara Morgan

Since being back in the states, I have had several people ask how my trip was. Every time I respond with one word “amazing”. What an experience to have been able to participate in. I saw and experienced a lot of wonderful things while there. Most were happy, fun, and educational, although there were a few sad moments. There is one event, however, I will keep with me forever, and that is the last day at Slovene village. What a day! At first we thought we would be rained out, but God was working in our favor and we were able to spend one more day with the children. I will never forget the pure joy on their faces as we played that last rousing game of baseball. Their smiles and laughter touched my heart. It was a wonderful gift from God to experience the entire trip and I am very thankful to have been part of the effort.