The other shows school activities run by a number of our participants:
--Keith Porter
The other shows school activities run by a number of our participants:
--Keith Porter
Art Class
Aimee Wedeking was teaching English in an adjacent classroom. Fruits and animals were among the words the students wanted to learn. The fruits inspired several students to color in the fruits they drew in English class. There were plenty of other fun artistic efforts too.
----Kristin McHugh-Johnston
This one explains the eye clinics run by Dr. Pete Korpi:
And this one looks at some of the fun from Slovene Village:
AND... there will be a special report from the Muscatine Kosovo Project on KWPC 860AM at 7am on Friday.
The choirs are expecting to perform at numerous locations in the coming days. Here are some photos I took during the first night of rehearsal.
Here is a short video taken with my digital camera.
----Kristin McHugh-Johnston
Here are some images from this morning's trip.
Faces and Friends
Medical Checks
----Kristin McHugh-Johnston